And a fair point this is too....there's a screen and god knows how many miles between 2 people, it's easy to get a false confidence when your not face to face with someone. But you need to draw the line at possibly being so self concious that you can't even be a fake have to be someone else??
I never thought I'd see the day, but yet oh my, here it is! Here's how the story goes:
So for some reason (unknown to myself really) I decided to venture back on to the terrible world that is Plenty of Fish (POF) Ladies (and Gents!) I don't recommend it. Any whoo...I'm viewing a guys profile, all sounds good 31, tall, hansom, good job, what's not to like. I get a message off him saying "I saw you looking, and liked what I saw"...nice win, win. We get chatting all is going well, after a couple of hours back and forth we swap numbers. He asks for a picture, nothing rude just of me (head shot) sure, not a problem - I've nothing to hide.
I ask for one in return......I get a reply "I'll be wearing my geeky glasses", no problem I have to wear glasses for computer work, 'tis fine.
Beep beep..."Oh dear god..." Is this a joke I think to myself. Any minute now...any minute, I'm expecting a oh hahaha that's not me really....
but no. All I get is a "so what do you think?" WHAT DO I THINK???!!! I are not the same person, is what I bloody think! So I don't know how to approach it....I say "sooo when was your pof profile pic taken?". "Oh ages and ages ago"
Yeh so long ago you must have died and come back as someone else...who looks older than you?!Why do people think this it's a good idea to 1. use someone else's picture 2. use one that is wayyyy hotter than they could even dream of being, talk about setting yourself up to fail?!
I am a bit saddened that people think they stand a better chance by pretending to be someone else...Stand tall, stand proud, only way anyone will ever love you for you :-)
I don't think I need to say any more except: Judge for yourself. If anyone can pursuade me this is the same person, I'll be your personal slave for 24hrs!
POF Profile Pic - Sorry if you are the real owner of this face! |
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Pic 1. Ok no can't be the same person |
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Second prompt and chance for him to come clean, He still just claimed it was a long time ago... Gee, just no. |
P.S. Good luck to "Phil" if that is indeed his name, in finding his true love out there, fingers crossed for you.