Sat in a vintage shop at what is essentially a sewing machine table, it has the mood of a back street Parisian café; the sounds of folk and acoustic which starts to drown my ears is somewhat perfect especially for a cold January, Wednesday evening.
Farrago takes to the window first. The music stops abruptly “Martyn can you get me a glass of water?” continuing, the songs derived from people’s tales of trips around the world bring to life the pictures in my mind; perfect, being in the midst of planning my own mini adventure to Coachella. One line stands out about writing down your life…well here I am. Tales from the dessert there’s more to come…
Their final song after a mental trip around the world, the sweet and soft sounds from the melodica bring me right back to that Parisian café…I have to put the pen down and enjoy what’s left of the song.
A row of guitars on parade like a masterpiece of art, which of course they are. The closeness in the room is warming but the front door being open is a sharp reality.
James McArthur grace the window, from the Parisian café to the field of the UK and Ireland, here’s folk in its true sense - uplifting. Watching people’s expressions as they walk down curtain road expecting to see manikins in the window but instead it’s alive and real. My mind wanders…
We make jokes with the band, back and forth about Coventry - I’m back in the room.
There’s something beautiful about watching someone play a stringed instrument. And the bit I love the most is the little squeak between changing chord, makes it so much more real.
The violin sends shivers down my spine, such a well rounded sound and one I’ve not heard for a long time. I never realised how well the violin and guitar complement each other – naive I suppose.

The Music Box is a new folk night – find out more